Ready to Dive In?

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. Above all else, though, good leaders are open. They go up, down, and around the organization to reach people.” – Jack Welch

Welcome to the first-ever post of the SAS Advisory Services blog! Check back regularly for insights on discovering and embracing your “inner leader.”

To paraphrase an old saying, great leaders aren’t born – they’re made. If you’re new to leading a business or organization, you’re probably reminded daily. It’s an endless learning experience.

No matter how ready one believes they are, nothing prepares them for being the top dog. They usually find the doghouse smaller than expected. Isolating, too. An experience like no other.

One of the best ways to become a leader is by learning from the experiences of others. Listen. Absorb their knowledge. Learn from their mistakes. Mistakes are where we learn our most valuable lessons.

This blog will touch on a diverse range of topics related to understanding, and practicing, the principles of sound leadership. These won’t be theoretical, 30,000-foot-level elements. They’ll be real, down-to-earth practices that you can implement in your organization, and your daily interaction with it.

Your thoughts and questions are welcomed. Send them to Perhaps we’ll address them here … so be sure to come back!


A Great Leap Forward