What the Heck is Organizational Culture … and Why it Matters (Introduction)

Why does organizational culture matter? A positive culture drives your organization’s engagement, happiness and success! Culture either strengthens your vision or undermines it.

In my experience, managers focus on measurable things, and dislike talking about culture. Why? Organizational culture is hard to define, and hard to measure. Pretty simple.

Does it matter whether your culture is one way or another way? Yes, as it turns out - culture is hugely important in the success and health of an organization.

I believe that is why you hear successful business leaders repeat the famous quote from legendary management consultant Peter Drucker: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” To address culture, we need to have a shared picture of just what culture is.

The Definition of Organizational Culture:

To me, the definition of organizational culture is closely aligned with the definition of leadership. Business leaders are always “on.” It’s a way of life. They are visionaries building an organization, and a culture, not just making products. To create a great organization, you need engaged co-workers—inspired and motivated people can do incredible things. I’m privileged to have been part of building a positive culture, and am eternally grateful for it!

Where does inspiration come from? The leader sharing the vision, having a higher goal, and delivering on their promises. One of my favorite bosses told me that, to gain trust and credibility with your team, you need to “Walk the talk.” An invaluable lesson learned … one I advise all new CEOs and organizational presidents to take to heart.

Next post: The first of my three foundational pillars to building a sustainable organizational culture through leadership


What the Heck is Organizational Culture … and Why it Matters, Part 1


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