An Announcement From Paul Schulz

I’m thrilled and honored to announce that I will be joining The Paranet Group as a Group Director. I’ll continue to operate SAS Advisory Services, my consultancy firm for first-time leaders of businesses and organizations.

In many ways, this announcement completes a long circular journey as a Paranet Group member. In 2001, after moving from Minneapolis to Milwaukee, I was seeking an organization to help me grow as a professional, and network with fellow manufacturing executives. Luckily, I ran into Joe Meloy.

Joe was my first Paranet Group director. For me, Joe was the right person at the right time. Twenty-plus years later, the friends, connections and acquaintances I’ve made through The Paranet Group still provide opportunities, challenges and professional growth.

I look forward to working with my fellow Group Directors, individual Paranet Group members, and the organizations that comprise the Paranet family.

For those unfamiliar with The Paranet Group and its mission, the organization focuses exclusively on manufacturing operations. Its wide-ranging programs cover broad territory from developing your rising organizational stars, to providing peer group roundtables for experienced executives.

Employing The Paranet Group’s peer advisory method, manufacturing executives grow their business acumen by sharing best practices in a confidential environment. Your peer group acts as a personal and professional board of advisors, to help you make better decisions. Each peer group consists of eight to 12 members from non-competing business. Significant interest group meetings and panel discussions allow members to expand their networks and improve communication skills, while sharing their accumulated learning experiences.

Sound interesting? As a Paranet member, you receive six confidential Advisory Peer Group meetings, one-on-one professional coaching, DiSC behavior assessment, and 20 to 30 significant interest meetings on current topics.

To top it off, your membership includes an annual factory crawl, plant tours, and the all-Paranet Groups gathering in December with a powerful keynote speaker. What an opportunity to grow!

Contact me if you’re interested in learning more or, even better, attending a Paranet Group meeting. Wherever you are on your journey, I promise The Paranet Group will make it more fulfilling!


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