What the Heck is Organizational Culture … and Why it Matters, Part 2

The “CEO Shepherd’s” three foundational pillars to building a sustainable organizational culture through leadership, Part 2.

Sharing the dream creates harmony and a sense of purpose for the entire organization.


Dreaming? Are you serious? Yes, I mean dreaming. Dreaming is a critical pillar in establishing organizational culture.

People want a leader who defines the organization’s higher aspirations, its values, and a goal that the team can believe in. If you share the dream, your people can accomplish amazing things, and provide them a higher purpose and vision of the future. If there is no end game, or clearly-defined destination, the result is often a stagnant, listless organization.

By having a culture of “can do,” and a vision of the future, there’s no telling what your people and organization can do. They can survive the organization’s darkest times and beat impossible odds. They can transform an organization when they are independent-minded leaders.

By dreaming and creating the vision, you, as the leader, can create an environment that allows people to succeed, and positive things to happen. Creating the culture and atmosphere is the most critical job a leader has.

Next post: The third of my three foundational pillars to building a sustainable organizational culture through leadership


What the Heck is Organizational Culture … and Why it Matters, Part 3


What the Heck is Organizational Culture … and Why it Matters, Part 1