Realize Your Potential! Why You Need a Coach, Part 2

“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.”

 – John Wooden

 Let’s just put it out there: If you haven't hired a business coach, it will take longer to realize your potential. No doubt about it! 

How can I say this with such confidence? OK, confession time! I made the mistake of not finding a coach early in my career … and it made a difference! 

Perhaps I was afraid to admit I didn't know what I didn't know. I was clueless about getting my professional career from “here” to “there.” 

Perhaps it was the curse of youth, believing I knew everything and not wanting help. With a few years of experience under my belt, I felt I didn’t need anyone to look after me. 

At a certain point in time, though, a decline sets in. It’s impossible to reach the top without help from others. This situation occurs all the time. 

In my earlier days, I lacked a clear goal and plan. I had no one to hold me accountable, and was distracted at every turn.

Then one day, it happened - maybe a miracle or, more likely in my case, dumb luck. I had the opportunity to work for an experienced executive who saw my raw potential. More importantly, he had experience first working with a mentor, then a coach.

Lessons From Someone Who’s Been There

Here are takeaways from my experience (and mistakes):

·       Early in your career, look for a mentor. Mentors often advise on the skills needed to advance your career. Mentors give those with less experience advice on specific subjects, such as accounting, logistics or other areas.

·       A more experienced executive should look for a coach. A coach challenges your assumptions and asks hard questions. They serve as a shepherd who works with you to achieve your personal and professional objectives. He or she doesn’t provide specific answers, but guides you to explore solutions.

·       Recognize that you may need more than one coach at different stages of your career or life. A trusted advisor and coach should align with your purpose and objectives. Your goals will change over time.

How to get started? The only way is to jump in. The water’s fine! 

If you've realized that you could use a guide, a mentor, or a coach, feel free to contact me. Let's start the conversation. It's OK to ask for help!


Ouch! Don’t Make the Same Mistake I Did! Why You Need a Coach, Part 3


Help! Why You Need a Coach, Part 1